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Dog Breed Courses

Chihuahua Breed Course

Purchase for $75

After completing this course, you will be able to demonstrate an understanding of the Chihuahua's origins, type and breed standard. For judges, successful completion of this course will result in 2 CEU points.

The course is divided into three sections:

  1.  Meet the Breed
    A. History and Function
    B. General Appearance
  2. Examine the Breed
    A. Head
    B. Neck, Topline, Back
    C. Forequarters
    D. Hindquarters
    E. Coat
  3. Observe the Breed
    A. Gait/Movement
    B. Behavior and Temperament

This course is intended for:

  • current and aspiring Chihuahua Judges.
  • anyone interested in learning more about the Chihuahua Breed.

Here is the course outline:

Before You Begin

Chihuahua: Module 1

Chihuahua: Module 2

Chihuahua: Module 3

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